the data to be entered MUST BE in the format like "AB:??00",
e.g. AB:BB00, AB:CI28, AB:FK03...
"AB:" (two alphabets and a colon) is fixed
"??00" (two alphabets and two digits) is entered by users
(Question 1)how to set the mask :
when user enter "??00", the cell is masked with "AB:??00"?
(Question 2)Should I use "mask" or "data validation"?
(Question 3)how to set in each case?
the data to be entered MUST BE in the format like "AB:??00",
e.g. AB:BB00, AB:CI28, AB:FK03...
"AB:" (two alphabets and a colon) is fixed
"??00" (two alphabets and two digits) is entered by users
(Question 1)how to set the mask :
when user enter "??00", the cell is masked with "AB:??00"?
(Question 2)Should I use "mask" or "data validation"?
(Question 3)how to set in each case?