mass resource replacement



Let's say someone leaves an organization and a new resource is taking
over their work for all projects. How would you go about automating
that in VBA to keep the PM from having to open each and every project?

I turned on the Macro recorder, went through the motion of replacing a
team resource and the only code I can see when the recorder is stopped
is simply "EnterpriseTeamBuilder". No reference to the actual
resource that was replaced.

If anyone has tackled this, please let me know.

Andy Novak

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


The Build Team tool would not be a good place to do this unless none of the
user's tasks were started. You can use it to replace resources on
assignments that have not been started, but you'll need to use the Assign
Resources dialog to replace the resource's remaining work on tasks that have
already started.

As for automating this through VBA, you should ask your question on the
developer list.


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
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