mass resource replacment due to chenging assignment owner




when I change assignment owner is affects the task only after I go
into the task and rechoose the resource.
How can I do it at one time? I need to change more than 150 tasks (few
resources have changed the resource assignment owner)


Barbara - Austria


only an idea:
Switch to view "Resource: Usage". Insert Column "Assignment Owner". Change
assignment owner for the first task of the resource and pull down to change
the others.




Thanks for the idea but, Assignment Owner in the REsource Usage view
in open only for view. it cannot be changed thru this view.

Barbara - Austria


sorry. I have checked it before writing, it worked for me. I am working with
admin permissions.

One additional idea: I can only select from existing assignment owners. So
if I need a new one I have to change the standard assignment owner for this
resource first in resource center. After re-opening project the new
assignment owner shows up in the pull down list.

Good luck!

Dale Howard [MVP]

Hanni --

I'm trying to figure out what you are attempting to do. Which of the
following do you want to accomplish:

(A) Resource A is assigned to the tasks, and Assistant A is the Assignment
Owner. This means that Assistant A will fill out and submit the task
progress for Resource A. You need to change Assistant A to Assistant B.

(B) Resource A is assigned to the tasks and you need to assign Resource B
to the tasks instead.

If your answer is (B) above, then refer to the following FAQ:

If the answer is (A), let us know.


My answer would probably be B but
and I'll explain:
I have resource A on a task and resource B is the resource assignment.
now, I have changed IN THE SERVER the resource assignment owner of A
to itself (why? because he took the reporters training so he can now
starts reporting on himself)
now, the resource owner have changed in the server but i dont see it
in the work plan.
the only thing that cause the resource assignment owner to be updated
is if I go into the task -> resources tab -> open the manu and click
again on the same name.
it is very hard and long to do it to all the tasks.

Mike Mahoney

hanni --

If you are simply trying to reassign tasks to Resource B that are currently
assigned to Resource A, then click Tools - Build Team from Enterprise and
make the change there.  If Resource A has done work on some of the tasks,
refer to the following FAQ:

Hope this helps.

- Show quoted text -

Check that you have applied service packs - if so should be able to
change the assignment owner in usage view as Barbara described.



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