Master Catagory List and Exchange



We have several users who are using the Master Catagory List in Contacts. The
problem is as follows. If one user makes a change in the Master Catagory
List, the other users are unable to see the change. This is for all users. I
read a Microsoft document that indicated the Master Catagory List is tied to
each users Outlook. I am trying to see if we could have one Master Catagory
List that is shared by all users accessing the Exchange Server. If not, will
we have to modify one List and export it to the other users? We have a mixed
environment of Outlook 2002 and 2003. Would we all need to be on the same
version of Outlook?

Roady [MVP]

It indeed a per user setting. You can export the list from the registry
though and import it on other systems;

To support Outlook 2002 change 11.0 to 10.0

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-FREE tool; QuickMail. Create new Outlook items anywhere from within Windows
-Properly back-up and restore your Outlook data

We have several users who are using the Master Catagory List in Contacts.
problem is as follows. If one user makes a change in the Master Catagory
List, the other users are unable to see the change. This is for all users. I
read a Microsoft document that indicated the Master Catagory List is tied to
each users Outlook. I am trying to see if we could have one Master Catagory
List that is shared by all users accessing the Exchange Server. If not, will
we have to modify one List and export it to the other users? We have a mixed
environment of Outlook 2002 and 2003. Would we all need to be on the same
version of Outlook?

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