master/detail control



the help says that the master should always be a repeating table. I don't
understand this - surely the master should not be repeating but the detail
should be. for example, order header and order details. header should not be
repeating as you only want to look at one order at a time, but detail you
want to see all details for that order so detial control should be repeating.
Please can someone explain?

Jay W

The help is correct, you would want a repeating table as the master. This
table would be a list of your orders showing columns with order number, order
date, customer, etc. When you select one of the rows in this master table,
the detail for that order would be shown. In your example, this would
probably be another repeating table that would list all the items on the

Another example that might be more clear is a contact list. The master
might be a repeating table listing just the contact name, but when you click
on a contact the detail might display fields for Address, home phone, mobile
phone, birthday, etc. In practice, it is not unusual for a detail section to
contain both non-repeating and repeating data.




thank you. I think I understand now....... but is it possible to have just
the row which has been selected from the master showing?


Thanks for the explanation. It's all coming clearer now! but is it possible
to have just the selected row in the master showing? If so,how?


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