Master/Detail control



Perhaps this has already been asked, but I have not been able to find
it using search, so please forgive me if it has been.

I am converting a paper form to an electronic version in InfoPath.
This form is used to track time usage in an production environment.
The main body of the form contains a table with 13 columns, most of
which need only show 3 or 4 digits. However, on the paper version,
these numbers are drawn from an index at the bottom of the page,
something I did not want to duplicate on the electronic version. I
considered using pull down list boxes to avoid this, but the fields in
the table are only wide enough for the number, so that when you use the
pull down menu, you cannot see the entire value, which would defeat its
purpose. So, I got the bright idea to use a Master/Detail control,
since the detail section has much more room and will allow the pulldown
menus to show the entire value.

However, I have another issue with that. If we decide to print these,
we are not going to want that detail section printing on every form.
So I have been trying to come up with ways to close the detail section,
to no avail. My latest attempt envolved adding a button that would
close the detail section only, but to no avail.

Does anyone have any idea as to how this should be done?


I am a novice, but maybe one of the experts could give you more info on
this. I have a similar problem where the "data entry" form does not present
well if printed. What I have learned is that I can create different "views"
of my data.

In this case, it seems that you could use a print view that only uses text
boxes for your data when printing. That way, you could leave behind the
detail part and only use the master data. Now that I have said that, I will
have to leave the implementation to someone else. Hope that is helpful!

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