Master/detail or Repeating Table?



I have a form where users will create a search warrant. Form data is entered
into one view and (using button) the user is switched to a print view where
the data is arranged into the correct format of search warrant. I'm having
problems with entering people, as you can enter one person or many people
into the warrant. Each of those people has their own associated demographic

I can create a repeating master/detail on the form view, but when I want to
display all people with all demographics on the print view it doesn't work.
It just shows you one set of data in the master, and one set in the detail.

How can break it up, as follows on the print view?

Fname Lname: Sex, Hair, Weight, Eyes, etc, etc, etc...
Fname Lname: Sex, Hair, Weight, Eyes, etc, etc, etc...

I've got around 16 fields of demographic data per person, so using a
repeating table doesn't seem to work from a formatting standpoint.


Once again..I answer my own question after submitting. It appears I can do
what I need with a repeating table with only one column. The formatting is a

Sorry for wasting you time.

Clay Fox

Printing is always the challenge. InfoPath was designed for "electronic"

How are you saving your data for the search warrants?
Do you identify the user and have permissions associated?
Do you use SQL to store the forms so that you can analyze and report on the

Just curious.

Clay Fox

Qdabra Software

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