Master Document - Header and Footer


Derek Hart

I am building a Master Document in code. I know all the problems with
Master Documents, but I am using it very temporarily in VBA to put together
long documents. I have one interesting issue, and I wonder if anybody can
shed some light on the topic.

If there is no header or footer in a document, then the previous header or
footer will copy over into the document without a header or footer. If I go
to the source document and simply place a blank space in the header or
footer, assuring that a header or footer exists, then this problem does not
happen. I wonder if I should code this somehow, to add a space to the
header or footer if one does not exist, or just train the document builders
to make sure that a header or footer exists in page 1. It looks like I only
have to worry about this in page 1, because if a blank space exists in page
1, then the rest of the document seems to be OK. Any thoughts on this?

Derek Hart

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Derek,

It's always important to mention the VERSION of Word involved in a problem.

I've never noticed the behavior you describe, but I don't often work with
Master Docs, either. That documents with no header/footer might behave
differently I can believe, because until the header/footer has been
"activated", it essentially doesn't exist. You see this in the user interface
by a paragraph mark that can't be deleted, once anything has ever been typed
into it.

Further more, "Same as previous" is generally on by default. You can't turn it
off for a single section, but the Master doc feature usually does this when
importing a new subdocument in order to preserve existing headers/footers. If
the Master Doc has headers/footers, I can see how the logic would be to carry
over the immediately preceding header/footer when none is present for the sake
of consistency.

So I'd say your approach is probably valid.
I am building a Master Document in code. I know all the problems with
Master Documents, but I am using it very temporarily in VBA to put together
long documents. I have one interesting issue, and I wonder if anybody can
shed some light on the topic.

If there is no header or footer in a document, then the previous header or
footer will copy over into the document without a header or footer. If I go
to the source document and simply place a blank space in the header or
footer, assuring that a header or footer exists, then this problem does not
happen. I wonder if I should code this somehow, to add a space to the
header or footer if one does not exist, or just train the document builders
to make sure that a header or footer exists in page 1. It looks like I only
have to worry about this in page 1, because if a blank space exists in page
1, then the rest of the document seems to be OK. Any thoughts on this?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Sep 30 2003)

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reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

Charles Kenyon

At least in Word 2002 I can get rid of a phantom header by going into the
Header/Footer view and Ctrl-A, Delete. When I return to page view, the
header paragraph mark is gone. I think this has been true at least since
Word 97 but haven't double-checked in anything except 2002.

Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

See also the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
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Robert M. Franz (RMF)

Hi Derek,

Derek said:
I am building a Master Document in code. I know all the problems
with Master Documents, but I am using it very temporarily in VBA to
put together long documents.

any special reason why you ARE indeed using the MD and not, say,

just curious

Derek Hart

I needed a way to dynamically piece together multiple documents in code.
And these documents have different styles and formatting, so I needed a good
way to preserve all of that. Can the INCLUDEPICTURE fields do this?

Derek Hart

Robert M. Franz (RMF)

Hi Derek,

Derek said:
I needed a way to dynamically piece together multiple documents in
code. And these documents have different styles and formatting, so I
needed a good way to preserve all of that. Can the INCLUDEPICTURE
fields do this? Example?

I'm not quite sure, but I think no. OTOH, MD would face the same
problems; at least in the rather old (read: antique) versions of Word
where I've done some steps with Master Documents, I haven't seen
anything indicating that feature can separate styles from the

But I might be wrong there (and this would make a good reason to use MD
where the workflow does not permit to really unify styles in the
individual chapter files beforehand, IMHO).


Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Charles,
At least in Word 2002 I can get rid of a phantom header by going into the
Header/Footer view and Ctrl-A, Delete. When I return to page view, the
header paragraph mark is gone. I think this has been true at least since
Word 97 but haven't double-checked in anything except 2002.
Just double-checked in Word 2003 and 2000, and I see you're right.
<sigh>All the things they keep changing... The discussions about getting
rid of that paragraph mark that I can remember! Guess they were loud enough
the MS heard them :)

Cindy Meister

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Derek,
I needed a way to dynamically piece together multiple documents in code.
And these documents have different styles and formatting, so I needed a good
way to preserve all of that. Can the INCLUDEPICTURE fields do this?
Well, IncludePicture certainly can't:) Bob was probably meaning to type
IncludeText. But no, only the MasterDoc feature will retain section formatting
(headers, footers, margins, etc.)

I wouldn't have thought style formatting would be retained, however.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Sep 30 2003)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or
reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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