Master Project Data Inconsistencies




I have a master project with about 10 sub projects inserted into it
When not in use I save the master project so that all the sub-project
are rolled up to project summary level.

The problem occurs when I re-open the file. The figures in each of th
sub project summary lines seem to change to whatever they feel lik
(usually a lot higher). The main culprit is the duration column (th
work seems to stay the same). If I then drill into the sub-projects on
by one the figures correct themselves. However if I save and re-open th
file the figues become incorrect again.

Does anyone have any idea what might be happening? The incorrec
figures may become misleading for any management looking at the projec
from a summary level.


Jim Aksel

Are the calendars used in the master identical to the calendars used in all
the subprojects? Look at holidays, etc.
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Jim Aksel, MVP

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I've had a look at the calendars and they are all running off the sam

Looking into it a bit more I think it is something to do with how
have the projects displayed. In the master project I have the su
projects bundled together. If I take them out of these bundles the dat
remains consistent.

For example. Master Project

Inserted Project One
Inserted Project Two
Inserted Project Three
Inserted Project Four
Instered Project Five

So it seems that you can not put inserted projects bundled unde
summary tasks and keep the data accurate when the summary projects ar
collapsed (not opened within the master project).

Does this sound correct?


DJ Huff

I have the same problem using MSP 2003 (11.3.2007.1529.15) SP3 standalone. I
have different figures for Earned Value, even though the Project Status Dates
are the same in the Master as in the subplans. This has happened more than
once. I figured it out last time, but now cannot remember. This can't
continue to happen or my entire design concept is wasted.

DJ Huff

Found something interesting. In the EV view, I opened each plan within the
master and the summary line for each plan as it appears at the "insert"
project level is different than the summary line of the entire subproject
itself. Line 1 of the master plan is the summary for all the inserted plans.
Line 2 of the master plan is the name of the first inserted plan and should
be a summary of that entire plan. Line 3 of the master plan, when the first
inserted plan is expanded, is the first summary line of the inserted plan,
which should match the numbers of Line 2 of the master plan (the name of the
inserted plan and its associated totals).

I know I probably confused you, but the summary lines for the expanded
inserted plans are different from the summary lines of the plans as displayed
in the master.

There must be a setting that has to do with calculating summary lines within
the master. I thought I had it on the View tab in tools/options, but that
was not it. I do have "automatically calculate" checked in the options.


Mike Glen

Hi Graham,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

I think there is some misunderstanding in this thread. A Master project,
when you insert projects, only has place markers for the inserted projects.
Thus the Master does not hold data. You will only get updated data if you
open the other projects. Masters are used primarily to present a one-off set
of information to higher management. When that has been done, there's not
much point in saving the master if you're not subsequently going to open all
the inserted projects as well.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP
See for my free Project Tutorials


Thanks Mike.

We keep the masters setup all the time. First to show the informatio
at whatever point someone wants to look at it (appreciating that th
inserted projects need to be opened to get updates) and secondly so tha
we can create links between the projects easily.

I appreciate that the data is not held in the master plan and
understand that it is updated on expanding/opening the inserte
projects. Where I get confused is why the data changes to what seem lik
random figures when the master plan is re-opened.?

Open master plan,
Expand inserted plan A - data gets updated,
Contract inserted plan A - inserted plan sub totals remain accurate,
Save, Close,
Re-open - The numbers differ from the previous opening.

So is there a way to make project remember the total figures from th
last time an inserted project was expanded/opened in the master plan
(even if it not the most up to date figure at least it is fairl
accurate/looks sensible).


Mike Glen

Sorry Graham, try as I might, I cannot get my master to give me different
data. Which data in particular is different? I'm rather clutching at
straws here, but have you tried enforcing the calculation by pressing F9
before saving? Check out your settings in Tools/Options.../Calculation tab
to select to calculate automatically for all open projects.

Mike Glen
Project MVP
See for my free Project Tutorials

Reid McTaggart

This could be a memory shortage problem. I would see if the proble
reproduces with smaller data sets / fewer inserted projects, and with n
other major applications running.

Reid McTaggart


Mike said:
Sorry Graham, try as I might, I cannot get my master to give m
data. Which data in particular is different? I'm rather clutching at
straws here, but have you tried enforcing the calculation by pressin
before saving? Check out your settings in Tools/Options.../Calculatio
to select to calculate automatically for all open projects.

It's funny because each time i press F9 the totals (duration only
think) all increase on each press and continue to do so with every pres
of F9.

Also suggested was that it might be a memory problem. I have set u
another plan with smaller projects inserted. Doing this seems to get ri
of the problem I was experiencing. When I insert a further Large pla
(over 2.5 mb) the problem re-occurs. So i think we can put this down t
having too big plans!

I'm interested if anyone has any thoughts on the F9 calculation an
constantly increasing calculations?


Rob Schneider

maharg said:
It's funny because each time i press F9 the totals (duration only I
think) all increase on each press and continue to do so with every press
of F9.

Also suggested was that it might be a memory problem. I have set up
another plan with smaller projects inserted. Doing this seems to get rid
of the problem I was experiencing. When I insert a further Large plan
(over 2.5 mb) the problem re-occurs. So i think we can put this down to
having too big plans!

I'm interested if anyone has any thoughts on the F9 calculation and
constantly increasing calculations?


I don't think it's *big* plans. If the file is corrupted by being "big"
as you suggest, it probably would simply not work. I can't help but
think it has something to do with the logic of the project model but
without looking at that file it's fruitless to ponder.

Mike Glen

If you suspect memory, it may be the Virtual Memory that is too small. You
might like to see FAQ Item: 18. Memory Problems.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
Project MVP

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