Master Project - Resource Usage View



I am trying to build a custom resource usage view where I have a master
project that has links to individual project plans that are maintained by the
project managers for those projects. This provides immediate updates to the
master project plan as published by the project managers. Building the
master plan with links to the individual project plans is easy to do.

I am trying to build a custom view to look at all the enterprise resources
across all the projects and then to be able to look at each resource and to
look at their hours and percent allocation across each project.

I also would like to have the ability to expand and collapse each project
listed under each resource to see the specific tasks that the individual is
assigned for that project. I want to see the hours and percent allocation
for each of the task if I expand the project and collapse the tasks to the
project level (and of course collapse the hours/percent allocation).

So I want to dynamically take my master plan and look at the resources, the
projects that the resources are assigned to, their hours and percentage
allocation across each project and drill down to the task level for each
project for each resource and then to drill up as required to higher levels.

Any thoughts on how this can be done in project 2003 professional?

Thanks for you help.

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


Insert, don't link, the plans into your Master Project. Expand the inserted
projects and apply the resource usage view.


Hi Gary:

Sorry. I should have stated that I did insert the projects. I want to be
able to expand and collapse the inserted projects and/or resources and look
at the resource usage view(percent and work) and see information sorted by:

Resource Name
Project 1
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Project 2
Task 1
Task 2
Project 3
Task 1


I want to be able on the Resource Usage View to collapse or exapnd on the
Resoruce Name and/or Project Name and get the percent and work at the
Resource level only, Resource and Project level, or Resource, Project and
Task level.

Hope this better explains what I am trying to do.

Thanks Jerry

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


You'll need to use a combination of Resource usage and Task usage views.


Good stuff. Works exactly the way I need it to. I have been struggling with
this issue.

Thanks for you help.


Maybe I spoke to soon.

I added Percent Allocation to the Usage Details and it does not show the %
Allocation at the Resource Level or Project Level. It shows the % Alloc.
at the task level only.

Work is shown at all leveles (Task, Project and Resource).

What am I missing?

Thanks for you help.

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