master slides



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: intel

What happened to the "re-apply Master Slide" in the format menu of PowerPoint 2008? I have made changes to my master slides but they are not updating the slides in the deck?! Help!


Well, I've checked PPt 2003, 2004 & 2007 just to be sure and neither one
have such a command... Nor do I recall having ever seen one in a prior
version. However, there's no question that 2008 deals with masters a good
bit differently. It would be a good idea to review the subject in PPt Help
as well as any info on the Mactopia site for additional insights.

Hopefully to address your immediate concern: If you select Slide Layout from
the Format menu or click the Slide Layouts button in the Elements Gallery,
then click All Layouts. You can then select the layout that pertains to the
slide which should re-apply the master elements. If you have created
*additional* masters use the buttons at the right end of the Elements
Gallery to locate the ones you want.

PPt 2008 also provides masters for a variety of different specific layouts,
so which slides are affected is determined by which master was actually

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Steve Rindsberg

Well, I've checked PPt 2003, 2004 & 2007 just to be sure and neither one
have such a command...

In case it helps, the Windows versions do have a Reapply *Layout* command.
That might be the source of the confusion?

Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP



This isn't entirely true, at least in my version of PPT 08. When I open the Slide Layouts bar, it shows what master my slide is using, but when I click on the layout again, it doesn't dp anything to the slide. Previous versions of PPT would "force" all text formatting on the slide, which was very useful for making everything consistent. Also, changes to animation in the masters don't seem to have any effect on existing slides (previous versions did). This means that if I need to change the animation for a master text block, I'm going to have to change it for every slide in the presentation, one by one.

PPT for Windows also has a "copy master animation" command.

I'm also noticing that the "Pick up Style" and "Apply to Defaults" "eyedroppers" don't work.

It's nice to have a bunch of new animations, but other than that, this version of PPT is doing nothing in the way of improving productivity, quite the opposite.



Hi Jon -

See the inserted comments below:


This isn't entirely true, at least in my version of PPT 08. When I open the
Slide Layouts bar, it shows what master my slide is using, but when I click on
the layout again, it doesn't dp anything to the slide. Previous versions of
PPT would "force" all text formatting on the slide, which was very useful for
making everything consistent.

I'm having no problem here, but what I have noticed is that it seems if the
slide layout has been changed & the placeholder font formatting has also
been changed it takes 2 clicks on the layout thumbnail to make the complete
change - the 1st click changes the layout only, the 2nd applies the

I don't think it's actually Slide Layout you want to be using, though. It
sounds more like you're looking for Customized Slide Themes. Those are what
impose the formatting effects regardless of what layout is applied to the
slide. Perhaps that is the equivalent of what you're expecting from masters.

The whole concept of Slide Masters has been approached from a much different
direction in 2007/2008.
Also, changes to animation in the masters don't
seem to have any effect on existing slides (previous versions did). This means
that if I need to change the animation for a master text block, I'm going to
have to change it for every slide in the presentation, one by one.

I haven't had a chance to play around with this, but I have a feeling it's
related to the points discussed above.
PPT for Windows also has a "copy master animation" command.

I only have PC PPt available in 2007 flavor right now and I can't find any
such command there. I don't recall ever having occasion to use it in
previous versions so I'm not familiar with it.
I'm also noticing that the "Pick up Style" and "Apply to Defaults"
"eyedroppers" don't work.

I'm afraid you've lost me here. The only eye dropper tool I know of has to
do with color selection and I've never seen an "Apply to Defaults" command.
If you'll clarify & point me I the right direction I'll try to check 'em
It's nice to have a bunch of new animations, but other than that, this version
of PPT is doing nothing in the way of improving productivity, quite the


Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Hey Steve -

Yeah, that crossed my mind, but [IIRC] that command really doesn't have
anything to do with formatting or content. Doesn't it just restore the
layout structure of the slide if the placeholders have been repositioned
and/or resized and/or deleted?

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Steve Rindsberg

Hey Steve -

Yeah, that crossed my mind, but [IIRC] that command really doesn't have
anything to do with formatting or content. Doesn't it just restore the
layout structure of the slide if the placeholders have been repositioned
and/or resized and/or deleted?

It also, when Baud's in his heaven and you hold your mouth just so, reapplies
the formatting from the master to text in placeholders even if you've
overridden the master formatting on individual slides.

Sometimes you have to reapply the layout several times to do a thorough job of
it. That part mystifies me.

But many things that mystify me work the way they do regardless of my reaction
to them. Why should this be different? said:
Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP

phillip lauer

Confirmed and thank you. The problem I was having was headers and footers application in a master slide not applying to the deck. Once I found this I was able to turn the headers and footers off and then back on again and it reapplied the information throughout the deck. In this instance the user had copied slides from several other older decks with dissimilar master pages so their footer information was not linking to the template being used. Once I turned off the footers in the master slide I could see and delete the offending footers per page, then re-apply the master footer info and there you have it.

As far as the help menu goes, it was not. Perhaps because I was asking the wrong question but regardless it provided little information when I needed it. I do not profess to be even an intermediate PowerPoint user but usually I can trouble shoot applications pretty well...not this time. I run a helpdesk for a design firm in SF and we have a fair amount of proficient PowerPoint users. Office:mac 2008 is proving to confound most of them. Could you recommend an effective tutorial or better yet a third-party training solution I could provide my users with?

Any and all help is really appreciated.



Hey Steve -

Yeah, that crossed my mind, but [IIRC] that command really doesn't have
anything to do with formatting or content. Doesn't it just restore the
layout structure of the slide if the placeholders have been repositioned
and/or resized and/or deleted?

It also, when Baud's in his heaven and you hold your mouth just so, reapplies
the formatting from the master to text in placeholders even if you've
overridden the master formatting on individual slides.

Ah yes - I've called on him a number of time but it seem he's never in:)
Sometimes you have to reapply the layout several times to do a thorough job of
it. That part mystifies me.

Me too, but that's the point I was making in one of these previous replies -
perhaps I just didn't stress it enough. Truth be told, I thought that was
how it was supposed to work as I've never known it any other way.
But many things that mystify me work the way they do regardless of my reaction
to them. Why should this be different? <g>

How well I understand:)

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Glad you got it sorted... What you found explains a great deal:) Thanks for
sharing the outcome & findings.

You're absolutely right about the Help. Unfortunately it is very "spotty"
throughout Office 2008 right now. However, MacBU is hard at work improving &
adding to what has to be shipped "as it was". Changes are occurring on an
almost daily basis, but there's still a lot left to be done. Rest assured
that it isn't being taken lightly.

As far as tutorials, you might have a look at what's available free first:


Other than that you might try local training companies or Google.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Nah, you're just not keeping abreast of the new features which have actually
been there or quite some time:) Those old dogs are still in the Commands
list but I think their throats got cut some time ago...

In lieu of the PICK UP STYLE eyedropper try the Format Painter - it's along
side the Cut/Copy/Paste buttons & looks like a paint brush. Select
something, click the FP, then click something else to apply the first
object's formatting... Or select text & use it to reformat other text. If
you want to use it repeatedly, double-click it after selecting whatever it
is whose formatting you want to copy. It will remain selected for as long as
you wish until you either click it again or select a different command.

As for APPLY TO DEFAULTS: Once a shape is formatted as you want it, just
right-click it & choose Set as Default Shape. You might want to see my reply
to [Pick up Object Styles not working] in this group.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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