I have used a formula:
I have a master sheet that has all unpaid bills. i have added a status
column to the master sheet which this formula in it.
=IF(D3="","",IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(D3,'Week 2 Dataset'!D
I run a job on monday of each week from our source system that produces
output of all unpaid bills. the first monday i place the output on week 2
sheet. The formula above matches the invoice numbers and if the invoice
number is not on the updated list (ie. not on the listing imported to week 2
dataset) then the word cleared will be populated on the master- as the
invoice is no longer outstanding.
I have added a week 3 tab, and a week 4 tab so that i can import new
datasets each monday and see what else clears from the master. I want to
update the above formula to match the invoice number from the master to any
of these sheets as right now it is just looking at week2 dataset sheet-
How do i update my formula to include multiple sheets?
I have a master sheet that has all unpaid bills. i have added a status
column to the master sheet which this formula in it.
=IF(D3="","",IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(D3,'Week 2 Dataset'!D
I run a job on monday of each week from our source system that produces
output of all unpaid bills. the first monday i place the output on week 2
sheet. The formula above matches the invoice numbers and if the invoice
number is not on the updated list (ie. not on the listing imported to week 2
dataset) then the word cleared will be populated on the master- as the
invoice is no longer outstanding.
I have added a week 3 tab, and a week 4 tab so that i can import new
datasets each monday and see what else clears from the master. I want to
update the above formula to match the invoice number from the master to any
of these sheets as right now it is just looking at week2 dataset sheet-
How do i update my formula to include multiple sheets?