Match - #N/A



Short question: What am I doing wrong?

I have a range of cells:

The range of cells (C22:ap34) is populated by the formula:
=INDIRECT(C$4&"!E"&$A22) thru =INDIRECT(AP$4&"!E"&$A34) - this created
a summary table pulling the values from other sheets as indicated by
the column header, always found in row 4.

In cell C20, I have the formula: =MAX(C22:AP34) - which shows me the
max value in that range.

In a cell, adjacent to the cell showing the max value, I want to show
the row and column header that matches that maximum value.

I have entered and INDEX/MATCH formula, but it will only result in a
"#N/A" error. I have tried it using the actual number instead of the
cell reference (C20) to the max value. I have tried to enter the match
formula on its own. I am using the ,0 parameter for an exact match, but
the same "#N/A" appears if I change it to ,1 or ,-1. Here's that exact


The column headers are repeated on C21:AP21.

What am I doing wrong? Is the range too large - is it the formula that
populates the range?



C4:AP4 contains your column headers

B22:B34 contains your row headers

Formulas (all formulas need to be confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER,
not just ENTER):

For the row header, try...


For the column header, try...


For the row number, relative to the first row in your sheet, try...


For the row number, relative to the first row in your table, try...


Note that if the maximum value contained in your table is 100, and cells
H28 and T23 contain 100, the formula will return the co-ordinates for

Hope this helps!


Thanks for the effort, but I am still getting a #N/A error for the
Column Header formula. And I did enter it as an array formula.

I didn't try the Row Header formula - it was easier to use Conditional
Formatting to highlight the Row that I am looking for.

Will the Match function work on it's own? I suspect that is the source
of the #N/A error.


I've confirmed that the formula is correct. Would you like me to send
you a sample file?


Try this:


Hope it helps


Sorry I misread your question, try this instead:



I've just emailed you a sample file. Post back if you have any
questions or need further help.

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