I'm trying to look up the relative position of an integer in an array
using the MATCH function. The array is on a worksheet titled 'pluto
ids' and the lookup_value is in a cell based on a formula in the
worksheet titled 'downloads'.
When I use the cell reference in the MATCH, I don't get any return
(result = #N/A). When I use the calculated integer itself in the
MATCH, it works just fine.
Here's the formula with the error: =MATCH(B8,'pluto ids'!A2:A66,0)
Here's the formula that results in the lookup_value (not that it
should matter): =RIGHT(RIGHT(A8,5),LEN(RIGHT(A8,5))-FIND("/",RIGHT(A8,
5))) (which works fine)
Any ideas as to why this isn't working would be greatly appreciated!!
Version: Excel v.2000
using the MATCH function. The array is on a worksheet titled 'pluto
ids' and the lookup_value is in a cell based on a formula in the
worksheet titled 'downloads'.
When I use the cell reference in the MATCH, I don't get any return
(result = #N/A). When I use the calculated integer itself in the
MATCH, it works just fine.
Here's the formula with the error: =MATCH(B8,'pluto ids'!A2:A66,0)
Here's the formula that results in the lookup_value (not that it
should matter): =RIGHT(RIGHT(A8,5),LEN(RIGHT(A8,5))-FIND("/",RIGHT(A8,
5))) (which works fine)
Any ideas as to why this isn't working would be greatly appreciated!!
Version: Excel v.2000