match or If



I am comparing two sheets of data utilizing a common identifier in my master
sheet column F is my identifier fand column Q is my dollar value:
If my dollar value in Column Q in my second sheet (week 3 projected data
set) is different then the value found in my laster, then I want to update
it, if the value is the same i want to do nothing.

I dont have it quite right:

=if(F5,'Week 3 projected dataset'!F:F,'Week 3 projected dataset'!Q2,0)


Sounds like you're after something like this:
=IF(INDEX('Week 3 projected dataset'!Q:Q,MATCH(F5,'Week 3 projected
dataset'!F:F,0))=Q5,Q5,INDEX('Week 3 projected dataset'!Q:Q,MATCH(F5,'Week 3
projected dataset'!F:F,0)))


I am getting a circular reference error - my F5 cell in my current sheet
holds the unique invoice number that I am matching in the F cells in my week
3 dataset and column Q in both holds the dollar value that i am looking to
update. Should I be using Q5?


The formula should of course be placed in a cell other than F5/Q5, say maybe
in G5? Q5 is just an assumption, you should change it to suit.


thanks, i am getting it now. I didnt want to have to add another column, i
wanted to be able to overright the value in Q5 only if it was different.


.. wanted to be able to overwrite the value in Q5 only if it was
Formulas can't do that. They can only return values into the very cells that
they are placed in. Suggest you try a new posting in .programming.

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