Match or Vlookup Help Please


Joe Gieder

I have two worksheets, one (WS1) has only part numbers
but in two columns, one is called part number & the other
is Alt P/N, the other WS (WS2) has a lot of other
information including part number. What I'm trying to do
is use the part number in WS2 (column J)and look in WS1
to see if the part number exists in either the part
number (Col A) or Alt P/N coulmn (Col B). If the part
exists I want column G to say "Yes" and if it doesn't
have it say "No"
The formula I'm using is:
=IF(MATCH(J4,'MSP Listing'!A5:B1559,0)="","No","Yes")

Please help and Thank You

Bob Phillips


This is the format

=IF(NOT(ISNA(MATCH(J4,'[wbname.xls]MSP LIsting!A5:B1559,0))),"Yes","No")



Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Ken Wright

One way:-


Ken Wright

Scratch that, forgot the 4th arg of false:-


or another way


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