Matching Column Entries




I have two columns, A and B, which both contain numerical information
Column A is the master column with the correct information in. Column
is a copy of Column A however, not all of the information from Column
is in Column B. I am therefore trying to identifiy which items o
numerical information is in Column A but not Column B.

I have a macro which will loop through but there is one line in ther
which I do not know how to change in order for it to identify whic
items of numerical information are not in Column B.

The two columns do not match up in terms of size so I cannot sort the
and offset the macro. I am looking at a cell in Column A to be matche
up with a cell in Column B which I believe needs to be a range.

I have pasted the code below and if any one could assist me, I woul
appreciate it.

Sub Cell_Colour()
Dim rwIndex, ColIndex
For ColIndex = 1 To 2 ' ColIndex means Columns 1 To 2
rwIndex = 2 ' rwIndex means maco starts from Row 2
Do Until Range("A" & rwIndex) = ""
Cells(rwIndex, ColIndex).Select
If Cells(rwIndex, ColIndex).Value = Cells(rwIndex - 1, ColIndex).Valu
Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 35
End If
rwIndex = rwIndex + 1
ColIndex = ColIndex + 1
Next ColIndex
End Sub

The line which I am having problems with is:
If Cells(rwIndex, ColIndex).Value = Cells(rwIndex - 1, ColIndex).Valu

Perhaps Column B needs to be named but this is where I am struggling.

Any help would be appreciated.

Bernie Deitrick


No need for a macro. In Cell C1, use the formula

=IF(ISERROR(MATCH(A1,B:B,FALSE)),"In Column A, but not in Column B","")

And copy down to match your data in column A.

MS Excel MVP

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