Lady Success
I have a sheet that contains a sheet where the user enters
data(Sheet1=Query), another where it gathers information
(Sheet2=Qualifications), and a sheet that contains a database
ColA: Drug Name
ColB: Chemical Name
The DRUGENTRY cell in the Query sheet can pull the name of the drug from the
Drug Name column or the Chemical name.
In Sheet 2, I have cell D36 counting the number of instances the name of the
drug is entered into Sheet1. The formula used in that cell is:
In Cell D37 – D51, I used the following array formula to identify the name
of the drugs identified in the number counted in D36.
In Cell E37, I used the following array formula to identify the HCPCS code
associated with the drug.
My problem is, if D36 counts the same drug (i.e. Gamastan, - listed in the
DrugName Col) multiple times, D37-D50 lists Gamastan multiple times – which
is fine. E36-50 is then able to identify the corresponding HCPCS codes.
However, if I change the DRUGENTRY to “ribavirin†which is listed in the
“Chemical Name†column in the database, D37;D39 shows the drug names of the
drugs associated with the chemical name, ribavirin (i.e. Copegus, Rebetol,
Ribapak) – which is what I want. But E36 indicates the HCPCS associated with
Copegus, but then indicates #NUM! error on the remaining number of drugs.
What am I doing wrong in my formula?
data(Sheet1=Query), another where it gathers information
(Sheet2=Qualifications), and a sheet that contains a database
ColA: Drug Name
ColB: Chemical Name
The DRUGENTRY cell in the Query sheet can pull the name of the drug from the
Drug Name column or the Chemical name.
In Sheet 2, I have cell D36 counting the number of instances the name of the
drug is entered into Sheet1. The formula used in that cell is:
In Cell D37 – D51, I used the following array formula to identify the name
of the drugs identified in the number counted in D36.
In Cell E37, I used the following array formula to identify the HCPCS code
associated with the drug.
My problem is, if D36 counts the same drug (i.e. Gamastan, - listed in the
DrugName Col) multiple times, D37-D50 lists Gamastan multiple times – which
is fine. E36-50 is then able to identify the corresponding HCPCS codes.
However, if I change the DRUGENTRY to “ribavirin†which is listed in the
“Chemical Name†column in the database, D37;D39 shows the drug names of the
drugs associated with the chemical name, ribavirin (i.e. Copegus, Rebetol,
Ribapak) – which is what I want. But E36 indicates the HCPCS associated with
Copegus, but then indicates #NUM! error on the remaining number of drugs.
What am I doing wrong in my formula?