Matching Exp Dates with Unfinished Classes


Jon M.

Hello friends, I am neck deep in lost over here. I have a query keeping
track of CE credits for insurance producers. I run my query which consists
of a table of students, a table of classes, and a table of StudentsAndClasses
which links them all together. My query shows me all the classes the
producers have not completed by using the criteria Date_Completed(one of my
fields) Is Null. The query produces the results I want, but for every class
it repeats the producer name, for example:
Name Class
Jon Smith Revision of Endorsements
Jon Smith Online Fraud
Jon Smith Renter's Renewal
Bob Jones Revision of Endorsement
Bob Jones Online Fraud

I would like only one line for each name, so Jon Smith will display and all
the classes he hasn't taken will be listed under his name just once. And so
on for all the names on the list. Does that make sense? As usual I need all
the help I can get. Thanks.

Jeff Boyce

If you are trying to do this in a query, step back for a second.

Queries grab data, and you absolutely want to keep the connection between
Joe Smith and each/all of his classes.

For display purposes, though, it would be nice not to see "Joe Smith"
repeated. No worries! Just create a report based on the query and use the
"Hide duplicates" property for the control displaly the person's name.

(by the way, if the fieldname really is [Name], consider changing it.
Access treats this word as a reserved word, so what it gives you may not be
what YOU thought you were asking for.)


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Jon M.

Very nice, thank you!!
Jon M.

Jeff Boyce said:
If you are trying to do this in a query, step back for a second.

Queries grab data, and you absolutely want to keep the connection between
Joe Smith and each/all of his classes.

For display purposes, though, it would be nice not to see "Joe Smith"
repeated. No worries! Just create a report based on the query and use the
"Hide duplicates" property for the control displaly the person's name.

(by the way, if the fieldname really is [Name], consider changing it.
Access treats this word as a reserved word, so what it gives you may not be
what YOU thought you were asking for.)


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Jon M. said:
Hello friends, I am neck deep in lost over here. I have a query keeping
track of CE credits for insurance producers. I run my query which
of a table of students, a table of classes, and a table of
which links them all together. My query shows me all the classes the
producers have not completed by using the criteria Date_Completed(one of
fields) Is Null. The query produces the results I want, but for every
it repeats the producer name, for example:
Name Class
Jon Smith Revision of Endorsements
Jon Smith Online Fraud
Jon Smith Renter's Renewal
Bob Jones Revision of Endorsement
Bob Jones Online Fraud

I would like only one line for each name, so Jon Smith will display and
the classes he hasn't taken will be listed under his name just once. And
on for all the names on the list. Does that make sense? As usual I need
the help I can get. Thanks.

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