Matching question



I have made the following tables.

DonorIdentificationNumber (Primary Key)

FundNumber (Primary Key)
Fund Name

DonationNumber (Primary Key)
Method (cash, check, etc.)
DonorID (foreign key to TableDonors)

DonationNo (Foreign Key to TableDonationMain)
FundNumber (Foreign Key to TableFunds)

When I click on Donors, it expands to Donation Main, Donation Main expands
to Donation Details, but I can't seem to link Funds to anything.

Here is some background. I am trying to make a database where I can post
donations made to 4 different funds. A donor however may donate to 2 or
three funds, using the same check. I then have to turn around and make a
reciept for their check both monthly and annually. The above has been given
to me as a suggestion a couple of months ago, but I have not had time to be
working on this. I am trying today to make one form with all four tables,
but my donation main table just won't link to both tables that I am trying.
Any suggestions?


When I click on Donors, it expands to Donation Main, Donation Main expands
to Donation Details, but I can't seem to link Funds to anything.

sounds like you're trying to use subdatasheets in tables for the data entry.
i recommend against doing that, and in fact recommend that you set the
Subdatasheet property of each table to [None].

suggest you use a mainform/subform setup for data entry.
mainform is bound to TableDonationMain, with a combo box control bound to
field DonorID and its' RowSource based on TableDonors, so that you can
choose a donor from the droplist when you enter a donation record.
subform is bound to TableDonationDetails, with a combo box control bound to
field FundNumber and its' RowSource based on TableFunds, so that you can
choose a fund from the droplist when you enter a donation amount record.
make sure that the subform control's LinkChildFields and LinkMasterFields
properties are set to DonationNo and DonationNumber, respectively; then
Access will automatically add the foreign key value to each record you enter
in the subform.


Larry Daugherty

I suggest that the Fund table be a lookup table. It just sits there
with the list of four funds which will be presented for selection in a

I suggest that there needs to be another table that is the many side
of a one to many relationship with Donation. That new table should be
named something like "Distribution". There needs to be a combobox
(the one referenced above) on the form/subform for Distribution that
allows for the selection of a fund. That table (and form) also needs
to hold a currency value. The amount of the total donation should
appear on the main Donation form and the sum of the distribution
amounts should equal that amount.


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