Matching two column ranges with a date


Data Analyst

Hi everyone,

In short, I have Column A with a range of contract numbers from A2:A7113.
Column B has a range from B2:B354.
Column C has a specific date for the contract number in Column B.

I need a formula that take a contract number from Column B and searches for
it's match in Column A. If there is a match, it needs to enter the date
coinciding with that contract from Column C. If there is no match, then it
should leave it blank.

Although I've tried using the IF statement, I haven't been able to find an
effective formula that includes ranges correctly. Thanks!

Roger Govier


One way
Enter in cell D2
Format the cell as date
Copy down as far as D354

Data Analyst

Thanks Roger. Column D gives me a date by it's not the one that matches up
with the contract number in column B. Is there something I might be missing?

Data Analyst

Nevermind...I switched the columns and it worked great! thanks again Roger! -

Roger Govier


If I understand your request correctly, column A has 7112 numbers entered in
it, and associated with each of those numbers there will be a date in the
corresponding row of column C, or column C might be blank.

Column B holds numbers which can be found in column A, but there are only
353 numbers represented.

In my test data I had
A2 514 B2 815 C2 01/01/2007
A3 713 B3 217 C3 15/01/2007
A4 815 B4 713 C4 15/02/2007
A5 969 B5 C5
A6 217 B6 C6 31/03/2007

The values returned in column D are
D2 15/02/2007
D3 31/03/2007
D4 15/01/2007

Have I misunderstood what you were looking for?

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