Matching user entry to database value and pasting to correct cells



I have a workbook with 2 worksheets. Basically it is a daily sales
log. On worksheet 1 the user will input multiple daily sales figures
and the date. Worksheet 2 is the historical sales figures. The
theoretical usage will be for the end user to go to worksheet 1,
the date and daily sales figures and click the save data button. I
seeking a formula that will look at the date entry and paste the
values from worksheet 1 into the proper line on worksheet 2 based on
the date entry from worksheet 1.

Example: Column A of worksheet 2 is simply a list of dates. January
13, 2010 is in cell A378. The user makes the entries on worksheet 1
including 01/13/2010 in cell D1 of worksheet 2. Sales figures are
enterred into multiple lines of worksheet 2 starting with cell D5.
When the user clicks the save data button, I need the formula or
script that will look at W1, Cell D1, match it to the corresponding
entry in column A on worksheet 2, in this case A378 and record the
sales figures from worksheet 1 in the correct columns of line 378 on
worksheet 2.

As always, your assistance is greatly appreciated.


Try something like this. I think there were a few inconsistencies i
your posting so I'm not sure if I got it right.

with Sheets("Sheet1")
W1 = .Range("D1")
Amount = .range("B1")
end with

with Sheets("Sheet2")
'convert the date to a string to be used in the search in column A
DateStr = format(W1,"mm/dd/yyyy")
set c
if c is nothing then
msgbox("Cannot find Date : " & DateStr)
LastCol = .cells(c.row,columns.count).end(xltoleft).column
if LastCol < 5 then
NewCol= 5
NewCol = Lastcol + 1
end if
.cells(c.row,NewCol) = Amount
end if
end wit

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