Matching width/height: Size To equivalent



Looking for the standard toolbar buttons / built-in menus that are the
equivalent of MSAccess' "size to
tallest","...shortest","...widest","...narrowest" I used to have it in
Visio, but I can't seem to find it again, since they swapped out my computer
with a new machine. I remember you couldn't specify -est you could only
match width or height to the first selected shape.


Chris [Visio MVP]

Man, I've been around a while and I don't remember that any more, but I
believe you!

I don't think it's been in the product for several versions. Are you any
good at VBA or is there a programmer sitting around you? This would be
fairly easy to implement as a macro.


I actually remembered how to do it. It wasn't a standard button or menu. I
have to have the "Size & Position" window up - I select the first person in
my org chart, and use the shift key to select others - then I just retype the
height or width that it says and bouyah hey hey hey. If there are too many
to do that way, I copy the height or width field, and a drag multiple
selection, and paste in the appropriate S&P field. This leads to connector
problems and things will have to all be shifted around sometimes to make it
right again.

It's still annoying that I can't do this simple task using a "native" method.

Thanks for the answer.



Select all the shapes, open the size and position window type width and

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