Material Resource Assignments Changing Automatically Project Pro 2


Renee H

We have a project that was created by copying and pasting resources from
another project and then copying and pasting tasks from that same project.
Everything is fine upon saving. However, the next time the project is
opened, the assignments for the material resources (that weren't 100%
complete) were all assigned to the last material resource. I have since
opened the project and assigned one of these material resources to another
task. When it was reopened I saw the same behavior. I created a new
material resource and assigned it to a task. Upon reopening I did not see
any changes to the assignment. Any ideas why this is happening? The tasks
and resources were copied and pasted so that the actuals and history were not
lost. By the way, project crashes when we try to save this to the project

Marc Soester [MVP]

Hi Renee,

I would not recommend copy and pasting Tasks or Resource from other
projects. Also when you are in a Project Server environment you will need to
use the import wizard to import exiting Projects into project server. I can
imagine that this is one of the reasons why you have these issues. By the
sounds of it your schedule may be corrupted.

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