MrHarakiri said:
Is there some way to spread material in time automatically? I have a schedule
with task that have both time & material resources but when i change the
duration of the task i want the material resource to be spread over time(same
as the time resource) but it just don’t happen. I would really appreciate a
You posted in a newsgroup that deals with developer (e.g. VBA) questions
yet the question itself doesn't elude to any VBA issues. I will
therefore assume it is a general Project question. In the future, please
see FAQ 24 - Project Newsgroups on the MVP website at:
Normally I do not assign labor and non-labor resources on the same task
line (I generally create two separate tasks - one for the labor part and
one for the non-labor part), but nonetheless what you want to do
shouldn't be a problem.
The answer to your question is "yes". If properly set up the material
part of the assignment can spread (or re-spread) in concert with the
labor part. First make sure each resource is properly identified on the
Resource Sheet. The labor resource should be a "work" type and the
material resource should be a "material" type. Doing so will show a
Standard Rate in $/hr for the work resource and a total dollar value for
the material resource. (Note: If you made the mistake of showing the
material cost under the Cost/Use field, then it will NOT be spread over
the task Duration - it will accrue at the start or end of the task even
if the Accrue At is set for "prorated"). If a linear spread is desired
for both, the Accrue At field (Resource Sheet) should be "prorated"
(which is the default) for both resource types. Assign both resources to
the task of interest. Note that when assigning the labor resource it can
be in either hours, decimal or percentage (default) units while the
material resource is in terms of quantity (e.g. 1 unit of material).
Then, when the task Duration is changed, both the labor and material
Work and Cost will be spread over the new Duration.
Hope this helps.
Project MVP