Mathtype for INCLUDETEXT




I'm having a little problem here. I want to format my equations with
MATHTYPE who are inserted in my word file true a field INCLUDETEXT
this won't work does anybody have an idea?
Or i might do the layout with the equation field operator {EQ \r


buth this doesn't work either.

Thanks in advance,
all sugestions are welcome,

Peter Jamieson

I don't know exactly what type of file MATHTYPE expects you to include - is
it a .rtf file? But my guess is that you will not be able to override the
internal formatting of either a complex .doc or .rtf file using switches
such as \*MERGEFORMAT.

But maybe I have misunderstood what you are trying to do?

Peter Jamieson

Peter Jamieson

Oh, OK.

The problem is probably that Word will include any characters at the end of
line and the end of file, and the EQ field will detect an error. What you
need is a mechanism that includes exactly the right text.

Suppose you want { EQ \r(3,2) }

You can try creating a Word document called c:\eq\radical.doc containing


then use

{ EQ \r({ INCLUDETEXT "c:\eq\radical.doc" }) }

Unfortunately that is not quite enough because the paragraph mark - and
probably end of file mark - will also be included. So youneed to select the
3,2 in radical.doc and create a bookmark - llet's call it "formula".

Then you can use

{ EQ \r({ INCLUDETEXT "c:\eq\radical.doc" "formula" }) }

which I think will do what you need.

Peter Jamieson



To answer your question : MathType is the advanced version of the word
equation editor.
Buth like i said, an other option is to outline my equations with the
field "operator" EQ buth it is unpossible to me to nest one field into
the other. So the includetext field into the EQ field.
I tried
{EQ \r ({INCLUDETEXT "number.txt" \*MERGEFORMAT})}
buth it gives error.
So if someone can fix this or give an alternative i would be greatly

kind regards,

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