Max census of patients in any hr




I have the following data -

Row Date Time in Time out
1 1/1/08 1:05 AM 1:40 AM
2 1/1/08 1:15 AM 2:04 AM
3 1/1/08 1:30 AM 1:59 AM
4 1/1/08 1:45 AM 1:50 AM
5 1/1/08 2:01 AM 2:15 AM

I am trying to find out the max census by hr. Below is the report I am
looking to create for each day of the year
Date Between 1-2 AM Between 2-3 AM ............
1/1/08 3
I figured out the logic but can't figured out. The logic is the (Count of
Time In between 1 and 2 AM) - (Count of corresponding Time out that are less
than any of the Time In)

So between 1-2 AM there are 4 patients in. But the Time out (1:40 AM) is
less than Time In (1:45 AM).

Therefor max census is 4-1 = 3.

I hope all this makes sense :)

Can you help me figure a way to do this?



Copy this in G3
=SUMPRODUCT(--($B$2:$B$6=F3),--($C$2:$C$6>$G$2),--($D$2:$D$6<$H$2))and press

Assuming your data is in Col A-D
F3 contains the date to compare to, G2 contains the lower time limit and H2
the upper time limit.

Change $B$6, $C$6 and $D$6 to the end of your data range.

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