1 M012 Martin Computer 90
2 Math 75
3 History 65
4 Science 100
6 E013 Ernnie Computer 100
7 Math 93
8 History 70
9 Science 85
Question: ColumnA is the IDNumber. ColumnB
are the students' Name, C are Subject and D are Grades.
On column E1, I want to get who is the highest
per subject (with name,subject and grade) so that we can give
them awards. I have 50 different subjects in all grade
level in 4000 rows and more than 300 students. Thanks.
1 M012 Martin Computer 90
2 Math 75
3 History 65
4 Science 100
6 E013 Ernnie Computer 100
7 Math 93
8 History 70
9 Science 85
Question: ColumnA is the IDNumber. ColumnB
are the students' Name, C are Subject and D are Grades.
On column E1, I want to get who is the highest
per subject (with name,subject and grade) so that we can give
them awards. I have 50 different subjects in all grade
level in 4000 rows and more than 300 students. Thanks.