Max no of ticks on X-axis?




What is the maximum number of ticks (marks) you can have
on the X-axis of a line-chart?
I have an array that is dynamically dimensioned and the
max no of values that I can display is 59.
Is this the maximum or is it possible to redefine this?


Jon Peltier

What kind of chart is it? A 2D series has a limit of 32k points. By dynamically
dimensioned, do you mean you are defining a range of up to 59 cells, or do you mean
you're constructing a VBA array that can only hold 59 values? If it's the former, I
don't know what's wrong. If it's the latter, you're running into the 255 character
limit on the definition of the X values and Y values in a series formula; you should
build your array, then dump it into the sheet, and plot the range on the sheet.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
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