Max Total of "Max" in reports



Please help!

Here's the situation. I receive a high level spreadsheet report with
estimated totals by category. I then receive a spreadsheet by catagory
showing individual results for each item within that category. I then run a
query that combines the high level information to the individual category
information and report of this, so each individual line will also contain the
estimated total value of that category.

In the report there are three columns:

Category Name Estimated Total Total received

For the total received i do a count function on the individual item level in
the combine query. For the estimated total i do a max for the estimated
total column in the combine query. This works for each category's "estimated
total", but once i get to the subtotal and total sections for estimated total
i run into problems.

If i use a max function for estimated total i receive only the highest value
for all the categories as my total. If I use a sum i receive back a sum by
each individual line of the estimated totals, a huge number.

Is there a way to report on results in a way that will take each category's
estimated total only once and add them togetherinto a grand total?



I ended up creating a subtotal and total column in the high level report and
maxed this value to get the subtotals and totals. This allows me to keep the
individual level detail for reporting within the same high level report. Not
the prettest solution but it worked. Please let me know if there is a better

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