Maximize Forms / Hide Restore Window Button



What is the best way to maximize all my forms when they are opened, but yet
hide the Restore Window button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

Currently I have the "DoCmd.Maximize" code in all of my forms "On Load"
event, but with this code the Restore Window button always will be there.

I do not want anyone to have the ability to resize the forms.

Tom Wickerath

Have you tried setting the Min Max Buttons property to None? This is a form
property available in form design view. Click on View > Properties to display
the Properties dialog (or F4 in recent versions of Access). You should see
the word "Form" displayed in the blue title bar of the Properties dialog. If
not, click on the small square in the upper left corner, where the two rulers
meet. Then select the Format tab of the Properties dialog. The Min Max
Buttons is the 15th item in the list.

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP



Thank You - works great - But!

What if I want the form always maximized without a borbder?

Currently have maximize command in the forms code, and the restore button
always appears even if the min/max is set to none.

I can deal with the form if there is no way arround this, but then how can I
keep the forms from cascading as I open them (i.e. hide each form as a new
one is open)?

Tom Wickerath

What if I want the form always maximized without a border?

Try setting the Border Style property to None.
Currently have maximize command in the forms code, and the restore button
always appears even if the min/max is set to none.

Are you talking about the min/max buttons for the Access window? If you are,
I would not recommend trying to get rid of this, because that can limit how
people use their computers with other applications running at the same time.
If they cannot minimize your application, in order to do some other task,
they likely won't be too happy with you. I certainly do not see any restore
button for the *form* when the min/max property is set to None.
I can deal with the form if there is no way arround this, but then how can I
keep the forms from cascading as I open them (i.e. hide each form as a new
one is open

You can use code to hide the current form (Me.Hidden = True), or you can
close the current form in the code used to open a new form. If you want, you
can even get fancy with some VBA code so that the new form that is opened
"knows it's daddy" so-to-speak. In other words, with some relatively simple
VBA code, you can have the situation where:

Form A ---> Can open Form C
Form B ---> Can also open Form C

Now, when you close Form C, the form that the user was previously on, either
Form A or Form B, is automatically re-opened for them.

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP


Try setting the Border Style property to None.

Are you talking about the min/max buttons for the Accesswindow? If you are,
I would not recommend trying to get rid of this, because that can limit how
people use their computers with other applications running at the same time.
If they cannot minimize your application, in order to do some other task,
they likely won't be too happy with you. I certainly do not see any restore
button for the *form* when the min/max property is set to None.

Hi Tom,

I'm having the same issue. Working with an Access2K DB. (It may be a
version issue.) No, I don't think Tlynn was talking about the Access
restore button. Using the maximize command in the form's on open event
and eliminating all other window controls for the form from the
property sheet still leaves the form's restore button. Click it and
you've got one very messed up screen!

I'm trying to have all forms and reports to open full screen unless
they are dialog boxes. I can force those to appear as windows through
the form's property sheet. I'm running the DB with a local front end
and back end on the server. Even though the front end is local, every
time you choose a new form, there is lag time while the data is
retrieved. You can see each form opening window-sized first, and then
expanding to full screen when it hits the "on open" maximize command.

Any suggestions for what to try will be most welcome!


Ken Snell \(MVP\)

When you want to turn off the Min/Max/Restore buttons, also set the Border
Style of the form to either Thin or Dialog. You need to do this for the
buttons to not appear.

Ken Snell


Thanks, Ken. I'll give that a whirl. I tried using "No Border" and
that *really* didn't work. ;-)

I appreciate you responding!


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