Maximum Absolute with sign



How can I create a user function that accomplishes this:


I want this function to let me simply enter


Thanks in advance,

Bram Weisma

Tony Jollans

The simplest way is to use exactly the same formula ..

Function MAXABS(rng As Range)

With WorksheetFunction
MAXABS = IIf(.Max(rng) < Abs(.Min(rng)), .Min(rng), .Max(rng))
End With

End Function

Although it's probably slightly more efficient to avoid calculating the Maximum and Minimum more than once ..

Function MAXABS(rng As Range)

Dim MaxVal, MinVal

MaxVal = WorksheetFunction.Max(rng)
MinVal = WorksheetFunction.Min(rng)

MAXABS = IIf(MaxVal < Abs(MinVal), MinVal, MaxVal)

End Function


----- bramweisman > wrote: -----

How can I create a user function that accomplishes this:


I want this function to let me simply enter


Thanks in advance,

Bram Weisman

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