Maximum amount of allocated hours



Project keeps allocating more than available hours to a resource. e.g. if I try to level a resource the workload that is allocated is more than 8 hours a day. How can I restrict the amount of working hours to a certain level?

Rob Schneider

This is set by the resource's "Max Units" on the Resource Sheet.

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.


Jan De Messemaeker


Unless you impose constraints on tasks, after Resource Leveling (by Project
I mean) the amount of hours per day should be less than the working time
time the max. units

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
Andre said:
Project keeps allocating more than available hours to a resource. e.g. if
I try to level a resource the workload that is allocated is more than 8
hours a day. How can I restrict the amount of working hours to a certain



Thanks for your answer

Max. units is already on 100%. After leveling I end up with e.g. 12.5 hrs for a resource. I like to restrict this to a maximum of 8 hrs.

Rob Schneider

Check the working hours for the resource's calenar, and the standard

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.


Jan De Messemaeker

Hi Andre,

There are a few instances where leveling will not, and cannot, resolve
(At least, I undestand you use Project's leveling, not a manual process)

1. Leveling only resolves overallocations originating from the simultaneity
of several task. If one task has a resource assigned to it for more than the
resource's max units, leveling does not act;
2. Leveling does not move actual work nor tasks with a constraint "MUST... "
or "Finish No later than"; it doie not move tasks with a priority of 1000;
3. Leveling's action may be resticted by checking the box for "Level only
within available slack"


Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
Andre said:

Thanks for your answer.

Max. units is already on 100%. After leveling I end up with e.g. 12.5 hrs
for a resource. I like to restrict this to a maximum of 8 hrs.


Hi Andre:
In addition to checking calendars as Rob suggests, I
would also check the definition of a day in Tools -->
Options --> Calendar tab. It sounds as though you may
have defined your day as longer than 8 hours.

Hope this helps.
-----Original Message-----
Check the working hours for the resource's calenar, and the standard

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.

with e.g. 12.5 hrs for a resource. I like to restrict
this to a maximum of 8 hrs.


Jan and others

Thanks for your comments i learned a lot. I still does not understand my problem. I used all your advises in a test project and it worked perfectly. But in my original project i keep getting the overallocation problem. I will try to explain what the problem is. I have one resource. For this resource i have 2 recurring tasks on one day and a priority 1000 task on the same day. I understand that leveling will not alter these three. Then I try to add a task to this resource with no restrains or with a "a soon as possible" restrain. I expect project to level this task within the available time for the resource. It works in my test file but not in my original file. It keeps overallocating on severall days. It only works properly if i link the recurring jobs and the prio 1000 job to eachother. Then the leveling stays within the max. hours for that resource. But it is a hell of a job to link all recurring jobs for one year

Thanks again for your effort



Jan and others

Thanks for your comments i learned a lot. I still does not understand my problem. I used all your advises in a test project and it worked perfectly. But in my original project i keep getting the overallocation problem. I will try to explain what the problem is. I have one resource. For this resource i have 2 recurring tasks on one day and a priority 1000 task on the same day. I understand that leveling will not alter these three. Then I try to add a task to this resource with no restrains or with a "a soon as possible" restrain. I expect project to level this task within the available time for the resource. It works in my test file but not in my original file. It keeps overallocating on severall days. It only works properly if i link the recurring jobs and the prio 1000 job to eachother. Then the leveling stays within the max. hours for that resource. But it is a hell of a job to link all recurring jobs for one year

Thanks again for your effort


Jan De Messemaeker


That's it.
If tehre is on nay one day (or more precisely, in any one leveling period)
and overallocation leveling can't resolve, it "abandons" teh period and
doesn't even level the tasks it could have leveled.
How about changing the priority (now 1000) of the detail tasks of teh
recurring tasks?

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
Andre said:
Jan and others,

Thanks for your comments i learned a lot. I still does not understand my
problem. I used all your advises in a test project and it worked perfectly.
But in my original project i keep getting the overallocation problem. I will
try to explain what the problem is. I have one resource. For this resource i
have 2 recurring tasks on one day and a priority 1000 task on the same day.
I understand that leveling will not alter these three. Then I try to add a
task to this resource with no restrains or with a "a soon as possible"
restrain. I expect project to level this task within the available time for
the resource. It works in my test file but not in my original file. It keeps
overallocating on severall days. It only works properly if i link the
recurring jobs and the prio 1000 job to eachother. Then the leveling stays
within the max. hours for that resource. But it is a hell of a job to link
all recurring jobs for one year.



But why doesn't the program levels by stretching the job with no restrains or with a "a soon as possible" restrain. It is free to split, move or stretch this item?

Mike Glen

Try levelling on a minute by minute basis, which is set in the dialog from
Tools/Resource Levelling...

Mike Glen
Project MVP

Jan De Messemaeker


Sorry, but this kind of question always beats me.
It doesn't do that because the Microsoft people haven't programmed it that
Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
Andre said:

But why doesn't the program levels by stretching the job with no restrains
or with a "a soon as possible" restrain. It is free to split, move or
stretch this item?

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