Maximum length of DocVariable



Hi- I am working in Word97. I am using DOCVARIABLEs. The document has 3
parts, each part being several pages. Part 1 always prints, and works well.
Part 2 consistes of pages 17-23 and Part 3 consists of pages 24-30. I do not
always want part 2 and/or part 3 to print. The user is prompted for input and
then I do a MailMerge.
I was thinking of using a rather huge {if{DOCVARIABLE "xyz"} = "Y" "..." ""}
statement, where the '...' would be pages and pages of text with DOCVARIABLEs
inside. But there seems to be a limit on the length of text that can be
What would be a way to do this?
The user enters up to 50 fields of info in UserForms, and then I do
ActiveDocument.Variables.Add commands and a MailMerge.
So, if the user answers a question that there are no added pages, I do not
want to print out pages 17-23. And if the user answers that there is no
additional cover sheet, then I do not want to print out pages 24-30.
Is this workable, or do I just continue to print out everything, and the
user throws out the pages that are not needed?
Please help.
Thanks, Marty

Word Heretic

G'day "Marty" <[email protected]>,

This sort of interactive document building is quite labour and VBA
intensive. I would be delighted to assist you commercially if

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic

steve from (Email replies require payment)
Without prejudice

Marty reckoned:


Hi Steve-

Thanks for the posting. We have the time and manpower to do this ourselves.
Just need to be pointed in the right direction with some instructions on how
to do this.



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