Mcdonalds -> McDonalds


Don Guillett

a formula
if you want a macro to change, post back

Don Guillett

this will REPLACE what you have
Sub capmc() 'adjust range to suit.
For Each c In Range("f11:f" & Cells(65536, "f").End(xlUp).Row)
If UCase(Left(c, 2)) = "MC" Then
c.Value = Left(c, 2) & UCase(Mid(c, 3, 1)) _
& Right(c, Len(c) - 3)
End If
End Sub

Bernard V Liengme

Be careful with 'Machinery' becoming MacHinery! Drill dress with bagpipes?

Walter Becke

sure, but i have to do it within a giant macro that scans for names. and
the (if a = b then)-clause is case-sensitive. that is the main problem!
All 'normal' names are no problem. i use the 'vbProperCase' thing to
make them all equal. But that changes MCDONALDS to Mcdonalds and that is
not(!) equal to McDonalds...

Still trying....

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Howard Kaikow

If you are sure that the characters are always at the start of a word, you
might try:

Cells.Replace What:="Mcw", Replacement:="McW", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=True, SearchFormat:=False, _

Jerry Park

walt said:
Any ideas how to change all(!) Mc names from Mcwhatever to McWhatever ?

TIA Walt
I use an onchange event to format proper names, and the McWhatever
construction is the main problem. But you also need to allow for other
constructions (like de Beers, DePriest, etc.). I've found a simple way
to allow the user of the form to bypass the formating function for non
standard names -- add a space to the end:

Dave Peterson

That's a neat idea to give more control to the typist (usually me!).

But if this were in a worksheet_change event (as opposed to a macro run on
demand), I add the LTrim() to clean up my "flagged" entry, too.

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