Mcr Variable SendKeys to a GUI




I'm trying to develop an add-on to one of my database user forms that allows
them to switch to another window (a GUI) and based on two user defined
variables, which they are prompted for, (Julian Date and Serial Number) and
another variable that has many different values (ACCOF) to create a "document
number". I've posted this question under Access programming for a easier
solution of VB, however I was told that what I'm trying to do can be done
with macros as well... Any ideas? :-?

I was thinking that I could do this with "Sendkeys", but when I goto test
just the send keys part, I first use a AppActivate to switch to the active
GUI window, but all it does is just that, switches to it and then does

Private Sub Command2_Click()

AppActivate "Program Interface Document Screen", True ' Activate GUI.


End Sub

I would first like to just be able to send keys to the window, and after
that, I would be able to take values from both a table and also user prompted
values as I describe in my introduction.

The string I would like to create is :

"INQ J"&[ACCOF]&<JulianDate><SerialNumber> {Enter}

The ACCOF value comes from a table and the Julian Date and Serial Number are
the user defined fields.

I would like to have sendkeys send that above string for every value I have
in my ACCOF table, and have 2 second wait periods in-between each one.

Thank you,


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