Whilst mde files are certainly more secure than mdb files, in respect of the
"program", they nevertheless can nowadays be broken with sufficient effort.
And they suffer from a restriction in "versioning", as you have noticed.
It's not too difficult to "version" the mde into each version of Access you
may wish to run under. Just supply all versions on the same CD or whatever? Of
course, there may be other versioning issues, such as reference dependencies,
but those are more or less taken for granted as having to test.
Personally, I prefer to distribute my app as an "A2000 database", requiring
A2000 runtime if they don't have A2000, and even if they have A2002, A2003, or
whatever. It seems to me, that I will have less problems if I insist on
installing A2000 Runtime, co-existent with otherAccess versions, than trying
to test my app under all other Access versions.
"Seems" is the operative word. I would not presume to say, comprehensively,
which avenue is the easier multiple Access versions or multiple copies of your
app. All need testing. Everyone will need to make their own choice, and at
least there are "options".
(for over 10yrs, I have worried that comprehensively testing my app, requires
at least 20 or so test platforms for different circumstances, if I had to
perform at the same level as say NASA. Therefore, I take shortcuts!)(or
implement the Access it was designed for!!!)