Me.Caption In a Form


Bob Vance

My Form is used for 2 Me.Caption
1 Me.Caption = "Distribute Through Owner.."
2 Me.Caption = "Holding Invoices"
I want this AfterUpdate only to work with , Me.Caption = "Holding Invoices"
and not with the other
Is this possible to code?

Private Sub lstModify_AfterUpdate()
Me.cmdEmail.Visible = IIf(IsOwnerWithEmail(Nz(Me.lstModify.Column(2), 0)) _
And IsEmailOn, True, False)
Me.lblEmailOption.Visible =
IIf(IsOwnerWithEmail(Nz(Me.lstModify.Column(2), 0)) _
And IsEmailOn, True, False)
Me.cmbEmailOption.Visible =
IIf(IsOwnerWithEmail(Nz(Me.lstModify.Column(2), 0)) _
And IsEmailOn, True, False)
Me.lblEmailAvailable.Visible =
IIf(IsOwnerWithEmail(Nz(Me.lstModify.Column(2), 0)) _
And IsEmailOn, True, False)
End Sub

Mr. B


I am not sure that I fully understand what you are wanting to do , but if
you just want to start with the first caption showing on your form and then
use the AfterUpdate event of the lstModify control to change it to the other
caption, then just put the first caption in the form.

The in the AfterUpdate event of the control, just use
Me.Caption = "Holding Invoices"

Mr. B
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