Me.Dirty = False?



I have set a Relationship, and specified Referential Integrity, but I am
having trouble recording on the many side of the Relationship. I am trying to
populate the field via a cbo and I should be able to enter new data into the
table via a cbo, which then copies to the master. I am receiving the correct
message asking whether I wish to add new data, but when click yes, the error
msge appears - stating no record can be written on the many side if there is
no corresponding Record on the one side.
I have successfully done this before ie.added new data via a cbo and the
many sided tableID is copied to the corresponding field in master, but I
cannot replicate the process. I was told one solution was to "do an explicit
save of the Record on the Form, by setting Me.Dirty = False". Is this the
best solution? and if so, how can I do this?
hopefully this makes sense and many thanks

clueless John

As far as I know you have to populate the Master first, then you are able to
add to the Child. That's the point of referential integrity? Is the cbo you
refer to, tied to the "one" field of your master table?

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