mean, median, mode, standard diviation



Is there a way to display mean, median, mode, standard diviation
automatically on a graph in excel?

David Biddulph

Any values that you calculate on a spreadsheet can be added as new series to
a chart.

If you are asking whether this is one button that will insert all the
calculation formulae into your spreadsheet and add the series to the chart,
the answer is no.

ashok sharma

how create a mean charting

Kath wrote:

mean, median, mode, standard diviation

Is there a way to display mean, median, mode, standard diviatio
automatically on a graph in excel?

Previous Posts In This Thread:

mean, median, mode, standard diviation
Is there a way to display mean, median, mode, standard diviatio
automatically on a graph in excel?

Re: mean, median, mode, standard diviation

Not automatically but you can construct it


Kathi wrote


Andy Pope, Microsoft MVP - Exce

Any values that you calculate on a spreadsheet can be added as new series to a
Any values that you calculate on a spreadsheet can be added as new series to
a chart

If you are asking whether this is one button that will insert all the
calculation formulae into your spreadsheet and add the series to the chart,
the answer is no
David Biddulp

EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice
Performance Testing .NET Web Apps [MSPRESS]

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