Media File Problem


Neil Greenough

Hi all,

I am currently using MS PP 98. I have tried to insert a saved media file
(.rm) which is located with in My Documents. From a previous post, I learned
that I would have to "insert an object" to get this file to play. However,
when I insert the object and then go to "view show", when it comes to
playing my file, I get the following error message:

file://C:/windows/TEMP/PKG5244.RM not found

Could anybody please explain why PP is not finding my media file in My
Documents? It's a Real Player file which i have saved using some software
and I am using version 8 of Real Player as I had problems with Real One.

Thanks in advance

Steve Rindsberg, PPTMVP

Just a wild guess, Neil: I think I read somewhere that RM files are (or
maybe "can be set up as") stream-only files. That is, you can't use them
from the HDD, they need to be streamed from a server of some sort, the idea
being that the content provider is then able to prevent people from reusing
the sound.

Can you convert the sound to another format in some way?


Steve Rindsberg PPT MVP
PPTLive ( ) Featured Speaker

Austin Myers

PowerPoint does NOT support RealMedia files (except for the very early
versions) natively. You will have to use the RealOne Player as an
object/control. May be a lot easier to convert it to a more standard

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

Neil Greenough

Can anybody please tell me how to convert a saved .rm media file (I have
software which allows you to save streamed Real files). I would like to
change the .rm file into a media file which is more "friendly" and
compatible with MS PowerPoint

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