With data in the first two columns and the lower end of the range in
the first column:
15 59
20 197
25 263
30 235
35 142
40 60
45 21
the estimated descriptive stats:
Avg 29.90
StDev 6.95
Skewness 0.32
Kurtosis 2.64
Median 24.42
Quartile1 19.70
Quartile2 29.55
To find the first four quantities it's standard to use the midpoint of
the ranges for the calculations. So for the avg add 2.5 to each value
in the first column multiplied by the relative frequency. For stdev
subtract the avg from each value squared times the frequency and for
skew/kurt normalise the data by the StDev.
For the quartiles, calculate the cumulative frequencies and
interpolate the value at the 25%,50% and 75% points
Formulae used:
Skew (N=3) / Kurtosis (N=4):
Median (p=0.5) / Quartile1 (p=0.25) / Quartile2 (p=0.75):
The last needs to be array entered (ctrl+shift+enter to execute)