medical patient files?



Anyone has success setting up medical patient files in One Note? Is there an
optimum way to set these files up to record daily patient visits?

Fritz Switzer


Our OneNote EMRToolkit is using a structure like this:

Patient Name
Type of Form/Encounter/Flow Sheet etc.

I don't know if it is "optimum" but it does work.

You can see some screenshots at the website in my sig.

Hope this helps,



Fritz - Thanks for the quick reply. I checked out your website - your
OneNote product for medical professionals looks really great. Do you still
have a beta version available for download, or trial versions available so
that one can determine usability for particular practices?

James Gockel

I've looked over the EMRToolkit, and everything else.
You do such great stuff. I work with real estate agents, and one is wanting
a tablet (we've ordered it and we're waiting for it.).
I've told him that he can use onenote for a bunch of his forms.
I either need your help in designing some stuff for real estate agents, or
I'm going to ask you to make something... give you a bunch of forms... and
so on.
Or we can make something together...
Lets get together to work on this..??

Fritz Switzer


Unfortunately, our Beta closed two weeks ago. However, send me an email,
and we can discuss an "evaluation" copy.


Fritz Switzer


The OneNote EMRToolkit is the first of a number of applications built around
the OneNote platform. We will be releasing our next beta, OneNote e-Script
Tookit (a prescription writer) in the next week or so. And announcing other
verticals shortly. Real-estate and legal are on our radar screen. :)

Thanks for the kind comments about our work. We're excited about the
potential for OneNote and Tablets and think it makes a great platform for
applications. Please feel free to e-mail me and I'd be happy to share our
ideas with you for Real Estate.



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