meeting automatically be inserted into calendar



Hi all,

Is there a a way to have a meeting be automatically
inserted into calendar, even if the user have not respond
to the email invitation ?

So this way a user will simply have to look is calendar ,
and accept,tentative or denied the invitation.

Thanks for the help !


FARHAD from Baku


I have eventually found the solution!
If have Outlook 2000:

Tools/Options/Preferences/Calendar Options/Resourse
Scheduling and select Automatically accept meeting
requests and process cancellations.

If you have Outlook 2003:

On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click Calendar
Under Advanced options, click Resource Scheduling.
Select the Automatically accept meeting requests and
process cancellations check box.

Farhad (Azerbaijan)


Thanks Farhad for your response !

This is exactly how my room, cell and projector respond
for a invitation, but i dont want my user to find out that
there invitation was first automaticaly accepted and afer
manualy denied.

What i want, is the invitation for a meeting beeing
automaticaly put in the calender but not whit a status of
accepted or denied automaticaly. I want the user to be
able to response themself.

thanks !


FARHAD from Baku

It seems I hurried a bit. It tuned out to be some other
option than you and I need. What we want is the sent
requests automatically appear in the Calendar with light
blue shading, to be more exact - neither accepted or
declined. So I'm still struggling with it, friend.
If I find anything I'll post it here or send to you by
mail, please do the same. It'll be much appreciated!

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