Our HR rep sends out a Meeting Request at varying times every month to the
entire company (200+). The goal is to set a meeting/appt. in everyone's
Calendar. The problem is that with the Accept/Decline/Tentaive buttons 40% of
all users reply and it fills up the HR Reps. inbox. Is there a way to remove
the Accept/Decline/Tentative buttons or keep users from replying to this
e-mail? Any ideas would be great! Thanks.
entire company (200+). The goal is to set a meeting/appt. in everyone's
Calendar. The problem is that with the Accept/Decline/Tentaive buttons 40% of
all users reply and it fills up the HR Reps. inbox. Is there a way to remove
the Accept/Decline/Tentative buttons or keep users from replying to this
e-mail? Any ideas would be great! Thanks.