Meeting requests are not put into my Calendar at reception in my I


Thomas M

I have problems with meeting requests I receiv in my Inbox. Outlook 2003 does
not recognize it as something that belongs in the Calendar and does not put
it there as a "tentative" entry in my Calendar.

After I have opened the meeting request, then it is put into my Calendar as

Where is this feature controlled?
I cannot find it any where in the Tools -> Options menues.
My Office 2007 was very recently installed, but it did not work before the
installation either...

I have a number of rules defined that moves some mails into subfolders.
However, there is no Calender message that is moved.

Thanks in advance for your help!


Aimee J

I have had the same issue for months. It just changed itself mysteriously
because before the proposed meetings used to show up in the calendar before I
responded. Community, please help!

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