Meeting Scheduling - Calendar Events Don't Appear



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: Exchange

When scheduling a meeting, I am unable to see the invitees (and my own) calendar events when I click on the "Scheduling" tab. This makes it impossible to see if they are available.

I have Parallels and XP with Outlook on that "dark side" of my Mac, but I prefer not to have to run that just to schedule a one-on-one meeting.

For large meetings that require a resource such as a meeting room, I am forced to use Outlook since Entourage doesn't support the scheduling of resources.

Any help would be appreciated and I am not an IT person. My IT department's official policy is that they do not support Mac. I think it's kind of funny since they gave me a choice of which platform I would like to be on when I started here.

Anyway..... any help would be appreciated.



I am also having this same issue. In the Scheduling tab, there is never any information available for invitees or resources that are invited.

Anyone know why?


Same here... but I don't even see my own availability, which makes the scheduling tab pretty worthless.

Please submit feedback via the Entourage Help menu... if enough people complain, maybe we can get this feature in an update.

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