Meetings conflicts


Michael Keel

Dear all,

I wondered if someone could clarify something for me.

We have just recently migrated from Notes to Outlook and are using Outlook 2007. I've created some Room mailboxes for meetings but we're finding that some meetings conflict. Exchange still allows the user to book the meeting and it doesn't tell them there is a conflict, even though I've specified 'Automatically decline conflicting meeting requests'. It's only when two sets of people are marching to the same meeting room that they realise something is amiss. As the Admin, I'm getting lots of complaints about the problem.

Anyway, is it true that by default Outlook allows meetings to overlap and doesn't show a conflict?

We are using the base version of Outlook 2007 and are thinking of upgrading to SP1 as we hear, from Microsoft, that some meetings conflicts have been fixed in SP1.


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