I have a meeting 10-12 in the meeting room located 2 min walk away.
I put in the meeting and have an alarm 5 minutes before the start.
I have a meeting in another location (10-12) transportation time 1 hour.
Three options exist
either have the meeetin start 1 hour before in outlook and end 1 hour later,
meaning that I will loose information about the correct meeting time.
Put in an alarm 1 hour before; meaning that people will think they can book
my time from 9-10 and from 12-13
Schedule extra meetings between 9-10 and ofcourse 12-13 for transportation
I am looking for an outlook extension where I can specify meeting time and
indicate how much time will be used for transportation before and after the
I put in the meeting and have an alarm 5 minutes before the start.
I have a meeting in another location (10-12) transportation time 1 hour.
Three options exist
either have the meeetin start 1 hour before in outlook and end 1 hour later,
meaning that I will loose information about the correct meeting time.
Put in an alarm 1 hour before; meaning that people will think they can book
my time from 9-10 and from 12-13
Schedule extra meetings between 9-10 and ofcourse 12-13 for transportation
I am looking for an outlook extension where I can specify meeting time and
indicate how much time will be used for transportation before and after the