melding Entourage 2004 into Leopard's Mail/iCal



I just installed Leopard a few minutes ago, and I want to try out the
new Mail/Address Book/iCal/.mac combo. If the process is similar to
Tiger's Mail, is the best way to just use Mail's built-in integration
method. Or is some third-party system better. Any Entourage user done
this Entourage-to-Mail thing before?

Michel Bintener

It depends on the kind of e-mail account you use. If you use a POP account,
you will need to use Mail's Import feature, which should work reliably
enough. If you have an IMAP account, you can simply recreate that account in
Mail and use both Entourage and Mail simultaneously. Note that the last
method does not import mail messages on your computer, nor does it import
any mail-related items, such as rules or signatures. In other words, Mail's
Import feature seems to be the best way to do this.

I just installed Leopard a few minutes ago, and I want to try out the
new Mail/Address Book/iCal/.mac combo. If the process is similar to
Tiger's Mail, is the best way to just use Mail's built-in integration
method. Or is some third-party system better. Any Entourage user done
this Entourage-to-Mail thing before?

Michel Bintener
Microsoft MVP
Office:Mac (Entourage & Word)

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